It is good for the skin to coffee.Use coffee bath powder is a kind of thermotherapy, have the effect that reduce weight.
Coffee can promote the metabolism function, adjustable digestive organ.
Coffee has the function of therapy.After drinking coffee, will make from alcohol and to acetaldehyde oxidation, fast decomposition into water and carbon dioxide out of the body.
Coffee can eliminate fatigue.
Coffee can prevent gallstones.
Often drink coffee can prevent radiation damage.
Coffee protect cardiovascular function.
Coffee is refreshing.
Coffee antidepressant, a small amount of coffee can make all the difference in, in a good mood, relieve depression phenomenon.
Coffee has diuretic effect, can increase urine output, thus make toilet number increases.
Can improve constipation, coffee can stimulate the gastrointestinal hormones or peristalsis hormone, produce laxative, when rapid purgative.
Coffee can pain, as a drug, caffeine can enhance the effect of the some painkillers.
Coffee is a stimulant can increase the agility of the body, make the athletes to create better results.
Coffee contains natural antioxidants that help to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer or colorectal cancer.
Coffee with antioxidant and protect the heart, strong bones and muscles, the waist knee and appetizing food, promote the mesotherapy obsessed with the negative.